Posts Tagged ‘William Hanna Thomson’

A Treatise on Clinical Medicine‎

Friday, July 31st, 2009

By William Hanna Thomson  1914  |615 pgs

In our chapter on remedies, we dewlt upon the fundamental difference between functional and constitutional rememedies. The functional remdies are those whose whole action is secured by one dose. No matter how long or often they may be repeated, the last does does not do anything more than the first dose. The constitutional remedies, on the other hand, like iron in anemia or mercury in syphilis, do not produce their effects in one dose,  but only after prolonged repetion of many doses. The reason for this is plan enough, because constitutional medicines affect the constitution, so that it is not the same as it was before taking them, and require time to produce the desired effect.

Functional medicines, on the other hand, do not affect the constitution, because the whole operation has been in one dose. On that account I cannot recommend for such a deep-seated constitutional disease a merely functional medicine like opium or any derivatives, like codein. - By William Hanna Thomson, MD LLD.