Archive for the ‘Textbooks’ Category

A Treatise on Clinical Medicine‎

Friday, July 31st, 2009

By William Hanna Thomson  1914  |615 pgs

In our chapter on remedies, we dewlt upon the fundamental difference between functional and constitutional rememedies. The functional remdies are those whose whole action is secured by one dose. No matter how long or often they may be repeated, the last does does not do anything more than the first dose. The constitutional remedies, on the other hand, like iron in anemia or mercury in syphilis, do not produce their effects in one dose,  but only after prolonged repetion of many doses. The reason for this is plan enough, because constitutional medicines affect the constitution, so that it is not the same as it was before taking them, and require time to produce the desired effect.

Functional medicines, on the other hand, do not affect the constitution, because the whole operation has been in one dose. On that account I cannot recommend for such a deep-seated constitutional disease a merely functional medicine like opium or any derivatives, like codein. - By William Hanna Thomson, MD LLD.


Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York

Friday, July 31st, 2009

By Medical Society of the State of New York (1907- )

The fundamental difference between functional medicines, which influence only functions, and organic medicines, which change nutrition of tissues or organs, would be more widely recognized but for the confusion which exists in many minds about the term “function.” Because function is deranged whenever organism is deranged, therfore, it is supposed that the converse of this statement is equally true, namely, that a derangement of function must always imply a corresponding derangement or organism. - W.H. Thomson M.D., LL.D.

The volume for 1880 includes as appendix: By-laws of the society.-System of medical ethics.-Medical laws of the state [1806-80, including the act of 1806 to incorporate medical societies] Additional laws are included in subsequent volumes.



Functional Biochemistry in Health & Disease

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

This text provides a clear and straightforward account of the biochemistry that is necessary to understand the physiological functions of tissues or organs essential to the life of human beings. Focusing on the dynamic aspects of biochemistry and its application to the basic functions of the body, the book bridges the gap between biochemistry and medical practice.

Carefully structured within five sections, each biochemical, physiological or medical subject that is covered in the book is presented in one complete chapter. Consequently, each subject can be read and studied in isolation although cross-sectional links between the subjects are included where necessary. Background material, both biochemical and medical, that is necessary for an understanding of the subject, is included at the start of each chapter and clear, simple but relevant diagrams enhance students’ understanding

  • Focuses on medically relevant aspects of biochemistry written from a physiological rather than a molecular perspective
  • Clear presentation that minimises the use of jargon
  • Each chapter contains boxes on related topics, relevant diagrams and a brief glossary
  • Coverage includes athletic performance, cell growth and the immune system
  • Key historical developments are included to show how modern biochemistry has evolved

By linking biochemistry, medical education and clinical practice this book proves invaluable to students in medical and health sciences, biomedical science and human biology. In addition it is of interest to biochemistry and biology students interested in clinical applications of biochemistry.

  • Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
  • Pub. Date: November 09, 2009
  • ISBN-13: 9780471988205
  • 544pp
  • Edition Description: New
  • Edition Number: 2


Brain, Nutrition and Applying Functional Medicine Concepts to Neurological

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
Brain, Nutrition and Applying Functional Medicine Concepts to Neurological Disorders Tieteellinen Symposiumi Yhteistyössä Neurologiasäätiön Kanssa 1.11.06 Tampere-talolla
By Tuomas Westermarck, Erkki Antila, Faik Atroshi, Neurologiasäätiö, Suomen biologisen lääketieteen yhdistys
Published by Finnish Society for Biological Medicine, 2007
ISBN 9529956835, 9789529956838

Functional Medicine from the Dermatologist’s Viewpoint

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
Functional Medicine from the Dermatologist’s Viewpoint
By S William Becker
Published 1941

The Tools of Functional Medicine

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
The Tools of Functional Medicine: Primer Course
edited by Jenni Hall
Published by FIT Sales, 1997
ISBN 0646338943, 9780646338941
25 pages

Improving Genetic Expression in the Prevention of the Diseases of Aging

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
Improving Genetic Expression in the Prevention of the Diseases of Aging: A Functional Medicine Approach to Anti-aging Medicine
By Jeffrey Bland
Published by HealthComm International, 1998

The Immune System Under Siege

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
The Immune System Under Siege New Clinical Approaches to Immunological Imbalances in the 21st Century: The Twelfth International Symposium on Functional Medicine.
By Institute for Functional Medicine
Published by Institute for Functional Medicine, 2005

21st Century Endocrinology Thyroid and Adrenal as Sentinel Organs

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
21st Century Endocrinology Thyroid and Adrenal as Sentinel Organs: The 14th International Symposium on Functional Medicine.
By Institute for Functional Medicine
Published by Institute for Functional Medicine, 2007

Functional Medicine and Hypochlorhydria

Thursday, May 7th, 2009
Functional Medicine and Hypochlorhydria: Naturopathic Assessment, Testing, and Management of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction and Chronic Disease
By Scott A Ferguson
Published by NCNM, 1998
We are currently doing research to locate this book.